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Eliminating the Cultural Divide Through Agricultural Exchanges

In this week's North American Ag Spotlight Chrissy Wozniak talks about agriculture diversity, travel, immigration & migrant workers with TCTS Global LLC CEE Orlando Gil.

A native of Venezuela, Orlando came to the United States to further his education. He attended Oklahoma State University and received B.S. degrees in Animal Science and Agronomy back in 1983.

Orlando owns and operates “TCTS Global LLC”, a consulting company that assists businesses “bridge the gap” with the Latino workforce in the agricultural and food related industries as they meet their needs for professional and skilled labor.

Orlando’s experience in the agricultural industry includes a variety of positions in training, recruiting as well as production areas. His corporate work experience includes working as Recruiting Director and Training Manager for Kerber Companies in NW, Iowa. Before relocating to Iowa, Orlando was a Training Production Manager for Seaboard Foods, one of the country’s top 10 integrated pork producers and processors, while at Seaboard Foods, he also managed a 13,225 sow - farrow to wean swine operation in Beaver County, Okla.

Orlando was also employed by PIC (Pig Improvement Company), an international genetic breeding stock company, where he held a variety of training and customer support positions in Kentucky, North Carolina, Oklahoma and Wisconsin.

Orlando is a certified PQA and TQA advisor and helps support the Pork industry’s efforts to maintain a safe, high-quality supply of pork. Prior to joining PIC, Orlando worked in the restaurant industry and owned and managed a restaurant in Stillwater, Okla.

As a speaker, Orlando has delivered international talks, workshops and webinars in Mexico, Nicaragua, Brazil, Venezuela, Canada, and the U.S.

Orlando’s topics have to do with employee development, engagement, and retention.

In addition to Orlando’s involvement in volunteering for committees and task forces for the NPB, the IPPA, and the NPPC, Orlando has over 30 years of swine production experience. In the past, he has managed farm operations ranging from 600 sows to 13,225 sows. In addition, Orlando managed multiple wean to finish sites, and held positions in HR, recruiting & sales.

Orlando’s activities include membership in the Knights of Columbus, the Shelby County Nicaragua Partners, and St. Michael Parish. He is also an active contributor to the National Pork Board, the Iowa Pork Producers Association, and the National Pork Producers Council. As a certified PQA Plus and TQA advisor he helps support the Pork industry's efforts to maintain a safe, high quality supply of pork.

Orlando and his wife, Ana, live in Harlan, Iowa. Orlando and Ana have two sons, Garrett, 30 and Tanner, 27 who both reside in Stillwater, Oklahoma.

TCTS Global is a consulting firm that helps companies involved in agriculture and food related industries bridge the communication and training gaps with Latin American and global talent. As TCTS Global bridges these gaps, companies meet their need of highly qualified and professional talent. Their services help companies achieve their production improvement goals and offer a solution to the growing demand for qualified talent.

Since 2001, TCTS Global has expanded into other areas related to leadership development, training and cultural experiences. Since 2008, they have been developing talent with thier Professional Enhancement, Leadership development, and Cultural Exchange programs.

TCTS Global Mission:

To develop talent...

We live our mission on a daily basis by focusing on having a positive impact on each individual we interact with.

Tiktok: @tctsglobal

Learn more about TCTS Global at


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