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Unconventional Ag: A Conference for Producers Looking for New Ideas

This week Chrissy Wozniak speaks with Peter Golbitz, founder of Agromeris and advisor at Unconventional Ag. He joins us to share details about the upcoming Unconventional Ag Conference, an event that showcases regenerative, organic, and sustainable agriculture methods.

Peter Golbitz has over 30 years of direct experience in the food and agricultural industry covering the production and processing of raw materials into value-added food, industrial ingredients and consumer packaged goods, as well as their marketing and distribution.

Unconventional Ag will be taking place in Minneapolis from Nov. 29-30, 2022. This focused event and news platform features innovative, sustainable, and value-added opportunities for farmers, grain handlers, processors, procurement groups, startups, equipment/technology providers, and more. The 8th annual conference highlights specialty oilseed, grain, vegetable oil, and plant protein production alongside trade and processing.

Learn more about Unconventional Ag at


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