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Transition Planning does not have to be tough

Here’s a list of positive behaviours tested with my conflict dynamic profile online tool:

  • The ability to create solutions.

  • Expressing emotions.

  • Putting yourself in the other person’s shoes, being able to see things from more than one perspective.

  • Willingness to be adaptable and let go.

  • Reaching out to keep the process of decision-making ongoing. Not letting the process get stuck, being willing to drive accountability for appointments with coaches, planners, and accountants.

The conflict dynamic profile is available online (email A farm family client with a MBA felt this tool was one of the most valuable things to find better communication with the founders. The tool also identifies the not so helpful behaviour like hiding emotions, and self-criticizing, as well as 10 hot buttons.

Would your transition journey be smoother with a map?

Sometimes a farmer asks me for my “checklist” for a great succession experience. Each family’s business dynamic is unique, yet there are many things to navigate. We don’t stop exploring and having adventures when the road gets a bit bumpy. Here’s my farm family harmony map to help you find harmony through understanding ™ as you transition:

  • Plan your approach, get folks to the table to talk and gain perspective.

  • Know that culture beats strategy so work on your aligned values, behave well with one another, and practice shared decision making.

  • Embrace conflict resolution as a business risk management strategy as you share your intent with each other, and then feedback on how those intentions affect you.

  • Identify the tough issues, the bull in the middle of the room that folks are avoiding, and start discussing the “undiscussabull”™, the pinch points keeping you up at night.

  • Open the farm books for financial transparency to share your attitudes and expectations about income streams, personal wealth bubbles, debt servicing, and gifts to non-farm heirs. This is finding fairness in farm transition and is working towards everyone being successful.

  • Deal with expectations that are not workable, things like entitlement or greed.

  • Accept the voice and input of the in-laws who bring many skills to the farm team, be willing to create clear job descriptions for all.

  • Finally, gather for a formal session with a flipchart and a well-thought-out agenda to have a robust farm family vision meeting to kickstart your journey of transition.

Hit your red Staples “That was EASY” button. Again, where is it written that transition planning must be hard? It’s a workable journey. Please take steps now to create certainty for your family. I’m here to help.


Elaine Froese, CAFA, CSP, CHICoach wants agriculture to thrive with more family harmony through understanding. Visit Book her to speak virtually or in person with your association to kickstart your transition success.

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