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The North American Dairy Industry - Regional Challenges, Differences & Opportunities

North American Ag Roundtable

The dairy industry has one goal, to provide our nations with milk, but there are many ways across North America to achieve that goal. Regional, economic, political & climate differences widely impact how these farms are run. Not to mention how COVID-19 has changed not only the way farms do business, how the supply chain has been affected.

Moderated by: Scott Hartwell, Advanced Comfort Technology- DCC Waterbeds


Dwayne Faber -Faber Dairy, Burlington, Washington

Michael McMahon - EZ Acres LLC, Homer, New York

Lloyd Holterman - Rosy-Lane Holsteins LLC., Watertown, Wisconsin

John Staathof - Straathof Farms Ltd., Renfrew, Ontario

Kevin Bisschop - Kelsa Dairy, Chilliwack, British Columbia

Hosted by The Uncommon Ground Inc. & the North American Ag Roundtable.


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