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Ranch Group Releases MCOOL and 50/14 Toolkit

Billings, Mont. – In response to the introductions of Senate Bills 2716 and 949, R-CALF USA issued an in-depth guide for U.S. cattle producers and consumers to influence the timely enactment of the two key pieces of legislation – the “MCOOL and 50/14 Toolkit”.

The toolkit breaks down the steps needed to pass S.2716, the American Beef Labeling Act of 2021 for mandatory country of origin labeling (MCOOL); and S.949, the 50/14 cattle market protection bill (50/14) to increase cattle purchases in the cash market – the industry’s most important cattle market, to a volume of at least 50% - below which studies have found harm to cattle prices. Current cash market purchases now average below 25%.

Included in the toolkit is a script for cattle producers and consumers to follow when calling their two senators and congressional representative, action steps, a letter to the editor example, a double-sided flyer/poster, and full bill texts and state resolutions to share with state legislators.

“It’s going to take everyone’s help to get these bills passed,” said R-CALF USA Marketing Coordinator Jaiden Moreland. “We hope to increase involvement by providing cattle producers and consumers with the information they need in a convenient toolkit.”

Information specific to each bill is also included. For example, the history of failed voluntary country of origin labeling programs is discussed and a comparison chart of 50/14 and the Fischer/Grassley compromise bill, S.3229, is available. The newly introduced Senate bill S.3285 and House bill H.R.6250, the Protecting America’s Meatpacking Workers Act of 2021, are also in the toolkit.

“S.3285 and H.R.6250 were added to the toolkit because they restore MCOOL, increase cash market cattle purchase volumes to 50%, and include industry reforms that benefit cattle producers, workers and consumers,” Moreland said. “The toolkit reaffirms the necessity for the immediate and timely enactment of MCOOL and 50/14 and the need for cattle producer, as well as consumer engagement on these two important issues.”

Moreland concluded by saying producers and consumers are encouraged to call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 to contact their members of Congress.


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