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NCBA Member Testifies on Cattle Industry Sustainability

WASHINGTON (February 3, 2022) – Today, NCBA member and rancher Kim Brackett testified before the U.S. House Agriculture Subcommittee on Livestock and Foreign Agriculture on the cattle industry’s leadership in sustainability and conservation practices. “Cattle producers are America’s original conservationists, and we work hard every day to ensure that we can pass our operations on to the next generation,” Brackett said. “Our family, along with cattlemen and women from across the country, are committed to remaining environmentally, economically and socially sustainable for generations to come.” Specifically, Brackett pointed to the biodiversity benefits that come from ranchers’ land management practices, wildfire prevention and upcycling of nutrients provided by cattle grazing, and cattle producers’ continued focus on being good stewards of the land. Brackett’s testimony follows the August 2021 release of the producer-developed cattle industry sustainability goals. The goals include:

  1. Demonstrate the climate neutrality of U.S. cattle production by 2040.

  2. Create and enhance opportunities that increase producer profitability and economic sustainability by 2025.

  3. Enhance trust in cattle producers as responsible stewards of their animals and resources by expanding educational opportunities in animal care and handling programs to further improve animal well-being.

  4. Continuously improve the cattle industry’s workforce safety and well-being.

Brackett is a rancher based in southern Idaho. Currently, she is the chair of the National Beef Quality Assurance Advisory Board and president-elect of the Idaho Cattlemen’s Association. Previously, she served as chair of the Cattle Industry’s 2025 Long Range Plan Task Force. To view Brackett’s testimony, please visit or click here to access the livestream. To learn more about the cattle industry sustainability goals, please visit


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