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American Agri-Women elect new officer team

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AgPR) Nov. 7, 2023 | American Agri-Women (AAW) recently elected its national officers at its 2023 national convention in Sacramento, Calif. AAW, a national coalition of farm, ranch, and agri-business women, is in its 49th year of advocating for agriculture. Serving as American Agri-Women’s 25th President is Rose Tryon, of California Women for Agriculture, after serving as First Vice President. Kim Bremmer of Wisconsin Agri-women, First Vice President; Chrissy Wozniak of Florida Agri-Women, Vice President of Communications; Kathy Goodyke of Minnesota Agri-Women, Treasurer; and Heather Hampton Knodle, Illinois Agri-women, will proceed as AAW's newest Past President. Arlene Kovash of Oregon Women for Agriculture serving her second year as Secretary. Jean Goslin of Kansas Agri-Women serving her second year as Vice President of Education. We thank these women for their service to American Agri-Women!

About American Agri-Women American Agri-Women (AAW) is the national coalition of farm, ranch, and agribusiness women's organizations that educate consumers, advocate for agriculture and offers networking and professional development opportunities. Go to the AAW website for more information and to join Find AAW on social media at:, (@Women4Ag)


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