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Alternative Agriculture & Specialty Crops

North American Ag Roundtable 2020

The economic engine of North American agriculture has traditionally relied on corn, wheat, soybeans, dairy, beef, pork and other heavily regulated and, at times, heavily subsidized commodities. But the creativity and self-reliance of the North American farmer has led to many unique examples of profitability and filling a consumer need. This panel will briefly tell the story of successful agricultural entrepreneurship and free enterprise.

Moderator: Gary Schulz - Former Manager of World Ag Expo


Joe Mills, Owner at Mills Livestock & Grain

Samantha Granstrom, Project Manager at Granstrom Farms

Mitchell Hora, Founder/CEO at Continuum Ag

Ryan Jacobsen, Fresno County Farm Bureau

Hosted by The Uncommon Ground Inc. & The North American Ag Roundtable.


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