WASHINGTON, DC | The Public Lands Council (PLC) launched a grassroots campaign regarding the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) proposed rule “Conservation and Landscape Health.” The proposed rule would create significant, concerning changes to the BLM’s authority to manage the nation’s public lands and would open the door to removing livestock grazing from the range. “The BLM must follow the law in managing our nation’s public lands for multiple use and sustained benefits for all,” said PLC Executive Director Kaitlynn Glover. “Public lands grazing is an important conservation tool that protects these landscapes and is integral to national food security. We must remind the BLM that grazing is an essential use of our nation’s public lands and I hope you will join us in sending a letter to the agency leadership underscoring their responsibility to be good partners – especially since they’ve fallen short in this rule.” The letter is available here. While the form requires an address in addition to a name and contact information, only the signers’ name, city, and state will be added to the proposed rule public comment docket. Questions regarding the letter may be directed to Hunter Ihrman (hihrman@beef.org). The letter will close when the agency stops accepting public comment on the rule, which is currently scheduled for July 5, 2023.
PLC represents public lands ranchers in Washington, D.C. Since 1968, PLC has worked with Congress and the federal land management agencies to maintain a stable business environment in which livestock producers can conserve the West and feed the nation and world. Visit www.publiclandscouncil.org to learn more.
CONTACTS: Hunter Ihrman, hihrman@beef.org